Lovely Loess Hills Landowners
The Loess Hills have the best soil and farmers that I’ve ever seen in Iowa. Two years ago, I met Terry and Cynthia of Iowana Farms, (Post on 2.19.2019). Earlier this year, I met Kevin of Flavor Country Farms. The soil in these farms feels like a cushion when you walk on it, softens your hands when you work in it and grows incredible crops. Not only is the soil some of the finest around, but the farmers are just as rich in kindness and each one cushions your soul.
Kevin invited Mosaic to come and volunteer at his farm in early May. When we were scheduling our visits, he told me how grateful he was that he could get to know new friends. Every time we visit, Kevin sits down and visits with our team, listens to their stories and most importantly, always greets them individually by name. All of Kevin’s employees love to chat it up with Mosaic, remember their names and their stories.
We made our first official visit to Terry’s Iowana Farm mid August and she started our time there with a tour of one of the farms. Walking by the beautiful cliffs you could see the amazing soil and cliff swallow nests. When we arrived at the herb patch where we were going to weed, Terry showed us what to do and then joined in with us as we worked. She extolled the therapeutic effects of weeding, I always knew there were some but she articulated it beautifully. First, there’s the connection with the plant (weed) and the soil, the strategy of how to remove it, the feeling of pulling it from the earth, the soil that you can shake off the plant, tossing the plant to the side and then the end result of seeing a cleaned-up patch. We all felt the beauty of weeding as we worked, laughed and lunched together.
Before we left, Terry made sure that each of us received a gift for our work, goat cheese from Honey Creek Creamery, her cousin’s goat farm. She also spoke to each individual, telling them how smart she thought there was and gave them evidence of what she had seen.
As I drove away, I marveled at the beauty of Terry’s embrace of our Mosaic friends’ hearts. Without knowing it, she boosted their spirits in new ways.