Concentration comes from living distilled lives
I’ve been trying to quit multi-tasking because I’ve read research and personally experienced the frazzled way I approach life when unfocused. This has been clear recently as I find myself going to get a stamp, stopping to open a cookbook, going outside to get the paper, starting to empty the dishwasher, looking for my coffee cup...all while I am holding the envelope desirous of a postage stamp. I shake my head and chastise myself for this ridiculous behavior at 6 am, only to continue it throughout the day.
I’ve gone so far as to sign up for a program called “Be more with less” about minimizing your options, commitments, etc. It has started me thinking differently. Today, I found a tweet and watched this video on Concentration. It isn’t a long video, not even 10 minutes long. But I found myself distracted as the speaker was explaining how concentration helps us remove things that dilute our lives. I reached for a check that could be written, decided to check work email and thought about getting more water. It was laughable.
But a big clue to getting better at being me. If I truly want to focus and think deeply about my priorities in order to effect the changes I want to see, I need to concentrate. The lingering line I know we’ve all heard was her last: What do you your habits say about your priorities?