"I didn't know I was good at this."
So the onion story continues from Travis’ Tears of Joy. When we started prepping onions, I explained that we would peel the onions and then chop them up. Lauren jumped at the chance to work with onions. She started peeling and by the time she was done, not only was the skin off the onion - the onion was completely peeled into layers. When I came back to her and saw her work, she looked at me and said, “I didn’t know I was good at onions. I’ve never done this before!”
Reflection on her comment provided insight into the programs I’m developing for Community Integrated Employment opportunities for these wonderful people who are marginalized without a voice.
What are they good at? What do they want to be good at? As I propose 3 different avenues in farming, restaurant work and plant care, how do we find out what everyone wants to be good at? How does anyone find out what they want to be good at? Trying and exploring in a safe place where mistakes/misunderstandings are understood and accepted, that works for me! But does it make sense for others?