Mission and Values and Vision, Oh My!
Sitting with a strategist to define my mission, vision and values for the inclusive urban farm project has to be one of the most visceral tasks I’ve done for a long time. Speaking about what I believe and why to friends and family is received with various levels of agreement. Not so with Amy. She writes down my thoughts on a whiteboard and looks at me for more. As I watch the words compile, I get perplexed. Is this what it will look like? Will this work? Isn’t there someone who has all these answers?
Glen helped me define the mission before Christmas: Exploring the out doors to discover the dignity and value in each of us and the earth. I have so many ideas on what to do but need to figure out how to winnow them into one strong vision with defined values.
This past weekend, Amy and I met again. I was terrified walking into the conference room but it was a profitable working time. She helped me list out what is and isn’t important to me in creating an inclusive urban farm. She explained herself as the vessel that allows me to get my ideas out. She filled up a boatload of posters like this one.
She encouraged me to allow these ideas to percolate until we get together again in 2 weeks. I found the time to be energizing and walked out of the room excited!