EarthDance Apprenticeship Day 1 - April 14, 2015
My first day as an apprentice at EarthDay Farms impacted me in unexpected ways. I had forgotten how much I loved being on a farm. Walking through the fields, hula-hoeing weeds from radish seedlings (yes, as hard as it sounds), transplanting leeks and planting arugula...all of these were delightful. Intersperse these tasks with learning from our fartners (farm partners - gotta love that name) about water management, contours of the land (key line?) and tool usage helped me realize how much I love learning. The fartner (how often can I use this moniker?) candor put all of fresh farmies at ease and allowed for easy conversation. It was a delightful day, I'm yearning to be back there right now!
Monica explaining the functionality of the Yang seeder.
Happy Farmie
Seedling leeks getting ready for their next home.
Dropped leeks ready to be planted.
Prepared homes