Narrating My Work - August 20, 2012
Free world-class education for anyone anywhere. This is the mission of Khan Academy. I learned about this goldmine from a colleague who was reviewing statistics for an upcoming project. Since I was writing a class on Financial Acumen, I took a Khan course on Income Statements and 12 minutes later, I was informed enough to understand this concept.
In my first post on Narrating My Work, I shared Dave Weinberger's research and belief of the benefits to an entire ecosystem where everyone shared the knowledge they've gained.
Earlier this week, I listened to Daphne Koller explain Coursera, the program she co-founded to provide courses online for free. Coursera's mission - to provide everyone free access to the world-class education that has so far been available only to a select few.
Today, I was working on an online class I'm creating for our organization as we transition to Windows 7. A colleague showed me a Windows 7 Introduction from the St Louis Library's eCourse site. I enrolled, completed the pre-survey and first lesson of this free class and learned something.
This content, created by a true expert, can be linked to from our online class. Instead of focusing on functionality, I will simply highlight our internal Windows 7 policies. Careful explanation of what is and is not available to our people will be my focus, not how it works.
I'm intrigued with the idea of sharing knowledge freely, especially online.